
Seven public sculptures for energy visualisation and production

A participatory design approach played a central role in the development of these energy-generating installations for the music university in Piteå, Sweden. Commissioned by Piteå Municipally and the Swedish Energy Authority and developed in collaboration with architects Björn Ekelund and August Wiklund (SWECO), the installations are part of the construction of an energy-smart campus.


A series of workshops were carried out where students, staff, and other stakeholders were invited to co-design the installations with us. The process was based on participatory design methods and Design Thinking.

The series of concepts all aim to work in relation to each other, on an aesthetically as well as technologically level. The system covers several sources of energy and both generate electricity which is fed into the energy grid and displays production levels.


Final concept visualisations created by August Wiklund.
Workshop poster design by Rasmus Giesel.

Jenny Bergström

Design & Research

ⓒ 2023 all rights reserved. Jenny Bergström

Jenny Bergström

Design & Research

2023 All rights reserved. Jenny Bergström